Thermal Efficiency
Baytree esthetique products are energy efficient. They are proven to help keep the warmth inside your home whilst keeping the cold out and any heat loss to a minimum‚ all this will help reduce your heating costs significantly. The cost saving made from reduced fuel bills outweigh the investment cost over the life expectancy of the window.
Window Energy Ratings

Using thermally insulating Double Glazing, or preferably Triple Glazing, is the best way to improve the energy efficiency of your windows and make your home environment more comfortable.
- Improved thermal insulation – reduced heat loss saves you money on your heating bills.
- Promotes passive solar heat gain – free heat from the sun passes easily through the glass helping to warm the home.
- Improved energy efficiency – reduced need for heating helps to save energy and protect the environment.
- More comfortable rooms – improved thermal insulation means fewer cold spots and drafts near windows and doors.
- Less condensation – the inner surface of the glass stays warmer, reducing internal condensation and prolonging the life of your windows.
Decreasing Thermal Losses
Low-E Glass : High performance low-E glass such as Platinum Plus can significantly reduce thermal losses compared to traditional products.
Inert Gas Filling : Argon gas filling a double-glazed unit further reduces heat loss.
Low-Iron Glass : Specially manufactured to be significantly clearer than standard glass allowing better transmission of solar heat and light.
Increasing Glass Area : Changing the frame design to maximise the glass in the window allows for greater solar heat gain transmission.